2010-2011 Officers
Bronn Rayne, Chairman
Farrell Cox, Vice-chair
Harold Garrett, Secretary
Steve Sharpe, Chair-Elect
Richard Cashion
Joe Church
Robert Fuller
Chris Gaby
Ed Griggs
Ted Jernigan
Bob Lovell
Jack Mattson
Wade Raines
Randall Ramsey
Tracy Russell
Van Sliger
Greg Steeves
Howard Stephenson
Gordon Vasseur
Jim Viar
Don Williams
John Zhu
July Duty Roster
August Duty Roster
Our purpose is to function as servants of our Lord Jesus Christ serving in and through the church as partners with the Pastor in enabling the church to fulfill its Kingdom agenda.
Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to
serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.
Matthew 20:28 (NIV)
We, the Deacons of First Baptist Church, feel led of the Lord to express our Deacon ministry by serving as ministers who seek to meet specific needs in the congregation according to our individual gifts and abilities.
Deacon Qualifications and ministries shall be as set forth in the Deacon Manual.